14 thoughts on “JOURNAL # 15

  1. Today we peer reviewed two groups’ handbooks. We were able to give props to what was working and suggestions for improvement. A lot of the comments I had other people had too. It honestly made me feel relieved because I was expecting everyone’s site to be done, but the other groups seemed to be in the same place. A lot of people suggested consistency and user-friendliness which is what I mainly wrote down. It’s kind of hard because you’ll always have to use the dropdown, and adding “next” and “previous” buttons would be so tedious for 12 pages. I agree that the handbooks should seem like it was written by one person, it makes it professional.

  2. After working in class for a second time on Tuesday (and a third time which I unfortunately wasn’t present for), our group has made a good amount of progress. Our site keeper has added most of our finished portions of the project to the group’s official eportfolio page from our shared draft document. Aside from that, we also continued forward in the project by cooking up two out of our three “Big Lessons” as well as completing our four campus resources page. For the in class session I had missed, the group presented our rough draft to get peer reviewed. Beside the easy fixes like making the page more accessible and cleaner looking, our review offered good advice. One of the things our group should do a little differently is change up the formatting of some of the interviews for the “Testimonials and Advice” pages so that they all match each other and follow a sort of theme or flow. I think this could also be a simple tweak to take care of. Overall, it appears our group received more good feedback than constructive feedback so I like where we stand in this process so far. The biggest take away from our positive feedback was that everyone agreed on how organized and easy to follow our information was displayed. This should be something we continue to do throughout the rest of the project.

  3. Journal 15:
    In class today we successfully looked over our handbook website. My group was first to present and my peers did give really great feedback. The peer review was a good mix of adding confidence and dialing in what can be done for a better end result. The biggest concern going forwards is just maintaining consistency within the website’s design. While I know I can get it to look as good as the sophomores slide did, the formatting of adding images in Wordspace is still something I have to get used to. I did get most of the organization mishaps out of the way already. I did this by combining pages or putting certain pages into sub pages.

  4. Sawyer Ohman

    Today was a very important day in the process of shaping our handbook, no changes were made to our website because it was the first day of peer review. Our group’s website/handbook was reviewed first. We had all of the parts and pieces that were required of us but there are still plenty of changes to be made and work to be done. I appreciated the peer review that we received, there were several small adjustments that needed to be made on the website to keep things consistent. We also want to work towards making the website more user friendly, it is somewhat difficult to navigate and improvements can be made. I personally need to rewrite big idea number three, skylar made a very good point that what was written is to be example centered, and I need to provide more of a definition.

  5. In class today we worked on the Peer Review of our site. I knew, as the site holder, that there was a lot that we have to accomplish before we present our final site. We finally have all of our information finished for this project, and it is just up to me to make the site concise and flow nicely. What surprised me about peer review today was all of the positive feedback we received on things that I didn’t think were really done well. Seeing that what we have was a good start and being able to see that some of the things that we have going on are working really well was important to me. It helped me see where to go and what to fix to make this project really looks a good as possible. I also really liked being able to see the other groups works, and being able to see more of that in class on Tuesday. It helps give me examples of things that I like and want to work more on in our site and seeing what visually looks better than others. Overall I think peer review was really helpful and really gave me a place to move forward with our site.

  6. In todays class we looked over and went through the projects from Mackie and Bens groups. This was a good way to help myself and my group by seeing what others had done. This helped us see what is working and what is not working. The peer review portion was very productive in getting to see how a larger audience would react to the handbook sites. We were able to converse as a group and we figured out what works with our handbook and what needs to improve. We found that our interviews and interview styles need to be uniform and look identical. There is still a ways to go for our site but we are not far from achieving that goal. This class session with the dry run presentation acted as a proper benchmark for what we need and how we can improve.

  7. In class we did some peer reviewing of other groups handbooks. We got the chance to look at a couple handbooks and were able to comment on what we thought was working, and what we thought they should work on. I expected the other groups to have theirs completely done but they were actually in just about the same spot as we are with one page left. One of the main comments that had been said that really stuck out to me was consistency. This is something that we will be doing throughout our project because of how much it was stressed to the class. One thing I have noticed is how confusing it has been to navigate some of the pages. Ours is set up very differently than the groups we have seen so far so I am confident that ours will be the easiest to navigate out of all the others in the class. We have just about finished our handbook; all we need to do is get it peer reviewed by our classmates to tell us what we could fix and take some pictures of the campus to add to it just so that it has some flare to it.

  8. In class we looked at two other groups’ sites and gave some feedback. I thought that both groups had really solid versions of their sites, and it was good to see the way that other groups were going about the project. I think it was helpful to not only look over their sites and give feedback, but also to hear the feedback other students had about their sites. It made me realize some things about my contributions to the project that can be improved. I think the most valuable contribution to the peer review I made was stressing the importance of consistency in the formatting of the site. Making sure that your pages are in the same format as the others not only makes it look more professional and put-together, but it makes it easier for the viewer to piece together.

  9. Ryan Kelly

    Prof. Jessie Miller

    Communications 110

    31 October 2023

    Journal 15

    I feel like I, and the class as a whole, accomplished a lot during last class. I, myself, gave back some good constructive feedback to my peers after we reviewed their websites and also learned that some of the other groups are experiencing the same website technological problems that I was facing. I was able to give some feedback on what I did to fix those problems and also learned how to fix one problem with my website that I did not know how to fix. The thing that surprised me the most during peer review was seeing how the different groups chose how to layout their websites, as some were kind of challenging to navigate and click through and others were easy and straight to the point. This made me think about the website I have been putting together for this project and how I can make it as simple and efficient as possible to navigate. I am excited to present my website with my group next class and get some feedback on what people like and what people think we should change or add.

  10. After doing peer review Friday in class it has helped our group plan for a better project and how to make it more professional. After getting the peer review it will help our group add in the final touches to make sure we complete this project to make it the best we can. After the in class work we did as a group we have managed to have our project almost completely done and ready to go for the final product that is due at the end of the week. We did discover that we do need a few more pictures to make sure our handbook looks as professional as it can and to make sure it is presentable to be able to sell it to our audience. The most valuable contributions I have made to the group is making sure I was able to have my parts of the project done and being able to help a little extra with my group mates parts. Our group has made great progress and I am excited to present the final product soon and to be able to show off what we have been able to create to try to sell the handbook to our audience.

  11. After attending last class, we revised two different groups projects. After looking at them not only did we add revision note for them, but also looking at the groups helped me with my project as well. I found some spots where I could add things and also maybe get rid of some things as well. I also found it really helpful to just go as a class over what a project could look like, and how my project may be a little different than others. I think when it is our turn to get peer reviewed we are going to get some really good feedback that will set us up for success. I think my biggest concern with our website so far if just the formatting and with the review it will help boost our project into the best version that it can be. Overall, I think that everything is coming together and that my group is in a really good position to succeed.

  12. After the class today, I was not present, but I still managed to go over the sites everyone else did and review and give my own feedback on what worked and what didn’t work. I believe both sites worked very well at making the sites look good and clean but could clean up a few things here and there. Overall everyone is doing a good job and my groups project also only needs some finishing touches on it. I believe we will be able to work these out and finish them up as soon as possible. My biggest concern about our website would be the layout and theme of it all, trying to keep it consistent and visually pleasing. We are in a good position to succeed in the project.

  13. During class this week, my group, the Midnight Mafia, tackled a lot of different things that are now contained inside of our website. First, we took in our peer review and even some of the other groups peer review and put it to use. The most important contributions were the adding of the about me page and providing information for that. What surprised me about peer review was the liking of the idea of key takeaways, that was something I put in there but did not think anyone would enjoy that.

  14. I thought that Skylar’s site was so well put together, I loved the color scheme and even the font that he used. Something that I have been noticing, however, is how a lot of the sites have been lacking in diverse and pretty-looking format. It’s all been a lot of blank space and huge, dense, paragraphs that, if I were to review them, I’d just skim through. I can’t talk, however, since my own interviews were lengthy. I think I took the project too literally, and that’s why I wrote down everything word for word. I’ll make sure to shorten my own interview pages for next time.

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