16 thoughts on “JOURNAL # 13

  1. Journal 13
    What I have Been working on in between classes is the process of setting everything up and filling in one of my group members. I have also been reaching out to people that could potentially interview. So far I have secured one of my teammates for this task which is a good thing because using someone that is involved in athletics for this project is a good thing for the use of targeting a portion of the handbook to new athletes. Although that could be a separate handbook by itself. So far I have come across no challenges or trials for the project that is just in the beginning phase and there is class time as well as personal, out of class time.

  2. Getting into a new project always has its ups and downs, however, I believe it is a lot easier or flows a lot smoother when you’re in a group setting. For this UNE handbook project, I’m excited for two reasons. 1.) I like the overall content of the project, which is what we wish we knew when we were first coming into college, and 2.) I can confidently say that the group I’m in is a very knowledgeable group with great students. Thus far, our group has designated our site-keeper who has begun the process of creating an eportfolio page. On an individual scale, I have offered to take on the task of interviewing the two seniors attending UNE. I have reached out to a few seniors I know and have begun trying to set up dates and times to interview and gain their perspectives and advice on the topic at hand. Furthermore, I have started brainstorming and thinking of potential questions to ask the seniors. Questions such as, “what were the hardest and easiest adjustments when first coming to college?” and “how did you overcome those challenges?” I’m excited to get further on in the process for the project as a whole.

  3. I’m looking forward to doing this project, it’s a lot less daunting than a solo speech. I was kind of hoping it would be in the form of a pamphlet we could print out and maybe give them out, but I know sharing the portfolio link is a lot easier. I’ve been thinking about who I could interview and how I want to pose my question. I’m glad I have someone in my group that does sports and everyone seems to know upperclassmen. The communication in my group has been going well, I don’t really imagine anyone not doing their part. I already have a couple of people in mind to interview, and I know they’d be willing to help. I want to write about the third-floor library or the study rooms as one of the resources.

  4. I’m feeling very confident about the next project coming up. The best feeling is knowing that you other people to back you up throughout the process of the project. Throughout the week I gathered a few of the football players and other upperclassmen around campus about what their experience was like first year on campus. My main goal was to ask the best advice to give to a freshman and some of the worse advice they had gotten as freshman. My group as a whole has been very well and everyone has an equal role. The goal that I want t get across is to not be afraid to ask your peers for help and to use the resources we have at UNE like SASSY fior example.

  5. After getting together with my group in class we came up with a plan that would later set me and my team up for success for this project. First, we came up with a list of ourselves and we decided who was going to interview who. We decided that I am going to be interviewing two seniors and going to have them give their own pieces of wisdom. I have been brainstorming about who I am going to interview and I will be doing two teammates on my lacrosse team and pick their brain a bit. I thought picking my teammates would be the best option because they have so many different perspectives from being an athlete to being a student, to living on campus, and finally to also living off campus. With all that being said, I think they would be really good to use for our project. We have gotten off to a good start so far and are on the right track.

  6. Journal 13:
    Between Friday and Tuesdays class we have really just focused on laying the groundwork for our second project. My main group responsibility this week is setting up the webpage. I have found success in this so far and have focused on trying to keep it as organized as possible. So far I have kept each page and subpage blank. I have done this because I really want to collaborate in person to reach feedback and possibly edit what my group members and I have written before it has been put on the site. Besides the website, I have begun to brainstorm at least one idea for what my “Big lesson” will be. I have also begun my part of the “About Us” page. I have also thought of and began reaching out to people I would like to interview for the testimonials. Lastly I would just like to highlight how my group and I have been communicating and sharing our work. We have created a group chat for communication and also all have access to a google doc.

  7. Between classes, I have been working on communicating with my team members about the distribution of work between the four of us, and there haven’t been any challenges on that front. Personally, I have written the draft for our introduction, as well as one of the “three big lessons”. One thing that works out well is that everyone in my group seems to know upperclassmen, as well as one coach, so we know who to interview. I am looking forward to this project and working with my group, because I think the outcome of an “insider’s handbook” could actually be really helpful to incoming students at UNE, so it feels meaningful.

  8. At first the thought of a group project worried me because that usually makes me worry about how much work there will be. If there is a lot of work and my group did not seem invested, that would mean that there is a lot of work for me. But so far that has not been the case, we have been in touch over the last couple days and have been divvying up the work, and I can tell the rest of my group is also invested in the project at hand. During my time between classes, I did multiple interviews with people around campus. I talked to two seniors about their thoughts on what they wish they had known before coming here and their answers were very similar. I also talked to a coach who gave me a very unique viewpoint because he was a student here before he was a coach. So far there have not been any challenges as we have been good at communicating and following through with what we say we are going to do. I have also begun my “About the Authors” page to give the reader a little information about myself.

  9. During my time in between classes, my group and I have been working on figuring out what questions to ask to get the best answers and advice. My first question when going through all of my interviews was “What advice would you give to a first year student?” I got a range of answers for things like getting friends that are all on the same page as you, studying hard so life is easier later in the semester, and a range of other things. However, the biggest one was getting help. Many said this but in many different ways; the use of SASC, making friends with classmates, the use of office hours, and asking questions in class.

  10. These past few days I’ve been working on getting caught up with the assignments I missed last class, my group had made a chat over Snapchat so I checked in there as well to see what I’ve missed. I’ve been talking to my one group mate about what specifics I missed, and I’ve been checking on the ePortfolio page site to see the newest posts and documents on what I have yet to complete. I’ve been brainstorming ideas for what direction my group could take this project in, and how we’d execute it in general as well. It’s been a bit difficult since I wasn’t present in class on the day the project was explained, but I’m sure I’ll catch up fine. I’ve thought of talking to my RA about what upcoming Freshman should know, or even my Freshman First Semester English teacher, Professor Jacobs, since she was the woman who helped me a lot as a Freshman in expressing my creativity through writing.

  11. Our group so far has done a really good job finding out who wants to do which part and going through understanding what each of our strengths are and how we can work well together. We assigned ourselves tasks over the last few days, splitting up the interviewing between each of us. My responsibility is interviewing a professor and then another faculty member on campus as well as being the Site Holder. I am starting to brainstorm ways to make the site look good and figuring out how I want it to work. I am also trying to think of faculty and staff that would be good for me to interview, along with finding professors who would be willing to help out. I think as of now we have good momentum going and just need to get out interviews conducted and start piecing everything together.

  12. Starting new group projects is never an easy thing to do especially when you’re not as familiar with your group mates yet. I do think this project will flow very well and the group I have will kill it. I am excited for the handbook project for many reasons. One reason I am excited for this project is because I get to work with classmates I don’t talk to much and get to know them more. Another reason I am excited is because I can’t wait to see the outcome of our project and how the final project turns out. Individually I am taking the role of interviewing juniors. Some questions I will be asking them is why they chose UNE over other schools? And how the transitions from high school to college went for them. As a group we have decided on who is doing what roles and who will be keeping the website for the group.

  13. Major Project #2 is now under way, Ben, Altirique and myself are a group, we have begun by organizing our document. I wrote the forward or main page which gives the reader a brief introduction to the text and keeps them interested. We struggled to define our three big lessons which we might still change yet we managed to find a way to make it sound cohesive. The next step is our introduction which we have decided to call our preface, and better define our three big lessons which we’ve decided to split up evenly amongst ourselves. Over the course of the weekend each of us plans on interviewing individual grades, for example Ben will be covering sophomores, I will be covering Juniors, and Altirique will be covering the seniors. On top of this we are being asked to interview faculty and staff here at UNE for their perspective on incoming freshman life. Over the following week we will break the testimonials down using them to highlight our three big lessons, and introducing our incoming freshman to a new way of life.

  14. Journal #13
    After hearing about the group project, it scared me to think about working in a group for a couple of reasons. I was worried that I would be stuck with people who do not care to do their portion of the work and it would leave a lot more work for me to do, and I was nervous that I wouldn’t get along with my group members and this would create an uneasy feeling throughout the whole project. But after meeting and discussing the details with my group members, I feel very confident and excited to do this project because I feel everyone will work together well and there won’t be many issues. Over the past couple of days, me and my group members have discussed how we plan to go about structuring our workloads, and I have begun interviewing a few upper classmen around campus to get their knowledge and answers. I also begun to write my about us page where I talk about myself and my own personal experiences.

  15. The group is starting to get testimonials, and I have up the page on ePortfolio. A little bit of work will be needed to sort out exactly what our lessons will be, but we are working at it. Communication has been a little quiet so far but not so much that I’m worried about it. I’d like to have actually done more writing, and felt like I’ve contributed more, but it was a busy week for me, so I am aiming to make up for it during the rest of the project. Putting all of the pages together seemed like a daunting task, although the group aspect mitigates that somewhat.

  16. Ryan Kelly

    Prof. Jessie Miller

    Communications 110

    20 October 2023

    Journal 13

    My group’s name is “Millers’ Thrillers” and I think we are at a pretty good place right now with our project. During the last 20 minutes of class we all sat down with each other and discussed what we’d do before next class. I said I could interview two of my junior friends, and my partners said they each could cover the other interviews. We have split up each page of the website evenly between the four of us and are all going to collaboratively work on it outside of class. We each also wrote responses for the “about the authors” part and are working on putting them together all organized and neat. Next class we will focus on coming up with and starting to write the three big lessons and also just finalizing some of the things we may not have gotten to finalize out of class. Overall, my group and I feel that we are in a good spot for this project and are looking forward to continuing it.

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