14 thoughts on “JOURNAL # 14

  1. After working in person with the group on Friday, I think we are standing on pretty solid ground. I think each member of the group has a good understanding of what their individual tasks are and what they need to do in order to complete those tasks in a timely manner. The biggest thing I think we accomplished together during the in class work session was the assigning of tasks. One of our members had a problem interviewing a certain required demographic, so another group member stepped up and switched roles so everyone could do their part. Our group message has also been used actively and has been a helpful resource for all of us. This is the place where we communicate outside of class and thus far it has gone smoothly. I think the next steps for our project include taking photographs of various things around campus to add to each of our pages in this handbook. In order to get this aspect of the project, I think our group can figure out what to take images of and who will take them in person during next class or through our group message. Each member of the group has been a good team player and I’d say we’re definitely moving in the right direction.

  2. Ryan Kelly

    Prof. Jessie Miller

    Communications 110

    23 October 2023

    Journal 14

    My group had a very productive work session during class. I made a mock website out of a google slide, in which there are 12 individual pages that will represent the pages of our website. We then all copied our work that we accomplished already and pasted it into the slide and started to design the layout of each page. The main part we were still missing were the three important lessons, so we divided them up evenly and wrote them during class. I would say that was definitely the most valuable work we have done in person. The most valuable work done out of class is definitely all of the interviews, whether it be with a coach, teacher, or different levels of students; and making sure to take videos or pictures to use in the project. We already assigned each of ourselves with certain tasks and so far haven’t had much problems with group members keeping on task, but if we did I would just tell them to focus and, if needed, involve the teacher. Overall, I would say my group is pretty set for right now, we work just as well as in person as we do at home and if we all keep working on this project and do what we each agreed on doing, then this project should be easy.

  3. Sawyer Ohman
    Journal #14

    Our group has been very productive so far, I made a google docs with all the respective parts and pieces of the project for us to fill in. Ben and I then outlined who would be accountable for which parts of the project. Ben and I made considerable progress during our time in class, I’ve completed my big idea as well as my interviews. I wrote the main page and Ben wrote our introduction. I have also completed one of the resources that I am responsible for including in our website and I’ve started my section on the about us page. I am most concerned about organizing all of our thoughts into an actual website format, Ben is the website organizer so I am excited to check in and review any progress that has been made so far.

  4. Something things that we accomplished this week was the organization of what we are going to be doing. We laid everything out and figured out what everyone was going to do. We have a list now and an organized document of all of our things where Tyler can go and copy and paste everything he needs onto the official team website on the e-portfolio. We also have a group chat so we can all be in touch with each other when we need to be in case we have to clarify anything or if some sort of miscommunication goes on during class while we are working on it. The most valuable work we did was just the distribution of the to everyone so we all know what we have to do now. Especially since everyone was in class it made it easier to talk about and know for a fact that everyone is on the same page. It is always easier to do stuff together but our document makes it possible to do everything remotely. I think we do a pretty good job staying on task and there really is not much to worry about as a group.

  5. Journal 14:
    So far my group has made very good progress. Sawyer first created a separate doc where we then outlined what needs to be done and who needs to do it. So far this doc has had a lot of work done on it and we are almost complete with our first drafts of what we are going to say. I would say the space where we need to do the most work is on the testimonials pages but everything is lined up to where they should be done within the next few days. Personally I will mostly be spending my time on the website itself and gathering photos to use on it. Since everything has to come from us I have taken some photos of areas around the campus mentioned in the handbook. The other aspect of the site which I still would like to mess around with is looking for different ways to present each subpage, for example there is a way to make them each a bubble, like we saw in class. Hopefully we will have another time in class where we can go over what we think needs to be done next as a group.

  6. Journal 14
    What has taken place in between classes is I have written the introduction portion and written my portion of my about the author section. This did not take much time because I find it easier to write about setting up the handbook as well as myself. I finalized some dates with the people that I am interviewing and plan to have those all done by Friday 10/28/23. So far no struggles have come up in this process and it is seemingly going smoothly. I tried to keep a blend of a professional and friendly vibe, hopefully that comes across accordingly. My group is seemingly making good progress and we are all settling into the roles we assigned for each other.

  7. While working as a group in class, I realized that we have quite a lot done already. Everyone has been assigned to a few parts of the handbook, and there wasn’t any disagreement which was great. While working in class, I added a bit more to the drafts I already had for the Introduction and one of the lessons. I also emailed a professor that I would like to interview, although I haven’t heard back from her yet. I think being able to discuss things in person was helpful, and the rest of the work can basically be done on our own. We all seem to be working well individually as well as together, so there is a good balance. I also don’t think we need to worry about staying on task or staying focused, because just after one class working together we have a lot done and no one seems to be getting distracted or not working.

  8. Journal #14
    Today in class, we discussed further on our responsibilities and the troubles or issues we ran into when finding our information. We then proceeded to work on our individual parts of the project and keep filling out our own paragraphs about ourselves. The most valuable work we have done would be specifically determining our rules in the group and what is needed to be done in order t accomplish it. The rest of the project we can do remotely or separately because it just requires us to find information or interview certain individuals about it. We assigned all of our tasks at the beginning of the project so no one would be confused on what is needed.

  9. During our discussion at the end of class we looked at all the work we had done. We realized we already had a lot of work done. We all claimed parts of the handbook and so far, we have all been doing a good job keeping up with our work. In class, I took the interviews I did and put them into paragraph form so it will be easier for the reader to comprehend. We have been adding all of our work onto a shared Google Slides presentation where Ryan will take all of our work and put it onto his ePortfolio. For my part of the project, I am moving very quickly. As of now, the only things I need to do is just clean up my slides to make sure they are presentable and take the pictures of the people I interviewed to add to my slides next to the paragraphs I wrote about what they talked about. Next class we will come together to discuss what our next step will be. All of my team members have been great so far, we have done a good job communicating in the group message that we made, and I expect that to continue throughout the rest of the project.

  10. After working with my group in class I think we are in a good position for the start of this project. Each member of this group has a pretty good understanding of what work each of us need to do. A major thing we accomplished last class was being able to assign the roles to each group member and all be comfortable with what tasks we all have. Our group does utilize our group chat very often to make sure we are all on the same page and that we are all making sure the work gets done that needs to be done. We use our group chat to be able to communicate outside of class and it is very helpful because we are all able to communicate with each other for help as well. The next steps for our project is to take photos of the resources we are using around campus to add into our project. I believe our group is moving in the right direction and everyone has been able to do the work they have needed to do.

  11. The in class session on Friday was very helpful in getting us to determine the direction we were going more clearly, and sorting out the next steps. We determined where we were with work, and what interviews we still needed to do and what we needed to write. We also determined the three big lessons that we would be focusing on.

  12. In class today we spent time deciding who was going to do what for different aspects besides the interviews, and what tasks we were going to work on together. We also talked about how we were all moving forward with the interviews and how those would work out. We made a shared google doc and have been editing everything onto that for me to then add onto the site. The best thing for us is working on things together so we are able to collaborate on those ideas and find ways to incorporate each of our own pieces into the group ideas. But doing the personal things by ourselves have been helpful because they are in the document and I can add them to the site once everything is on there.

  13. In class, our group finalized who would be working on what and went over what had been done already. I feel like we’re on the right track to finish for peer review and the final draft. I was able to finish one of the big lessons and a resource. My first interview is done and all I have left to do is write about my second resource and do my second interview. I feel as though my group is on the same page and we all have only a couple of things to finish up with only meeting in class. Doing a check-in during class is enough for us to give updates, so doing all our work remotely or in class works just the same.

  14. Over the past few days between class time I’ve been trying to collect myself and really bring this project together through the multiple tasks my group has designated. So far I’ve done my interview at my work with my boss, who was a sweetheart about the whole thing. But with the incident that happened yesterday and into today, I wasn’t able to get my second interview done since my advisor stayed home and UNE closed. I plan to go into work and interview another faculty member instead. On top of this, I’ve been writing my About Me page and figuring out what questions I should ask myself to add to that- it’s been harder than I thought but with help from my friends on what questions I should be asking myself I finished it up. I’ve been brainstorming what questions I should be asking for the interviews about incoming Freshmen as well. In addition, I’ve been thinking about what I want my two big lessons to be and have been swapping out words to see what feels right for them. My group members and I have been figuring out how to effectively communicate, and I’ve also been reflecting on a quote to use that stood out to me that I should use from my interview.

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